FAQs - Tueetor - Tutors Near Me | Tueetor.com


Here are some common question about Tueetor.

May I book directly through the provider?   
Of course you may. However, Tueetor's prices are generally 10-30% lower than many provider's direct booking prices. Additionally, we offer benefits like Rewards Program, Free Cancellation, Instant Confirmation and Lowest Price Guarantee that you might not get by booking direct or from other agencies.
Why has the course fee changed?   
Providers may change their rates and promotions at any time, before a course is sold, in view of ongoing market conditions and marketing strategies.
How do I get a local tax receipt?   
Local tax receipts are only available from the course provider. Tueetor only collects the booking fee when a course is sold and provides a receipt for this collection.
I can no longer attend the course. Can I have a friend to attend it on my behalf?   
Yes, in most cases. Please contact the course provider concerned to make the necessary changes.
When do I get a confirmation email?   
In most cases, you will receive a confirmation email on the course you have booked, within 30 minutes of purchase. If you do not receive one, check your junk mail and/or spam filters. You may also view your booking by signing in to your account, and selecting "My Courses " from your user dashboard.
How can I review a course and/or its provider?   
In order to ensure that all reviews are genuine, only customers with a valid booking are allowed to submit a review. After completing your course, you should receive an email with a link to a review submission page for that course. This link may also be found in your user dashboard, under the Review section.
How do I cancel my booking?   
Before you cancel your booking, check the provider's cancellation policy in your confirmation email. If it's within the free cancellation period, then sign in to your bookings page, go to My Courses and choose the booking you wish to cancel. We process refunds within 24 hours.
It's past free cancellation. How may I still request for a refund on my booking fee?   
Try talking to the course provider concerned. They might be able to provide a refund in part or full out of good will. Let us know anytime if we could be of any assistance.
Where can I find the cancellation policy?   
You may find it at the product listing page, course details page, and/or provider's profile page. Details and conditions in the cancellation policy will be different for course to course, time to time. Please read it carefully before submitting your booking.
I noticed all courses on Coursaver are on “Lowest Price Guaranteed”. What recourse do I have if I find a cheaper one elsewhere?   
As long as it is the same course by the same provider, Tueetor™ will gladly refund you the price difference – 2x, to be exact. To request for a refund, simply contact us.
Is Tueetor™ free? I mean, really FREE: 100%, no hidden cost, no in-app purchases, no ads and thousands of other things I don't need.   
That is a big YES. You enjoy 100% of the functionalities the moment you are registered – absolutely no added conditions. All Tutor accounts also come with a free, 1-month T.Pak™ subscription in most regions, to help tutors find, engage and manage students better.
How long do I have to wait to get a tutor or student after submitting my requirements online?   
In most cases, it's within... the next 10 seconds? As soon as a subject is added/updated on our 24x7 portal, Tueetor™ earnestly searches the database for a match, and present the total results in the form of an email, to you, in less than 10 seconds. Now, that's fast.
Where are the lessons conducted? Is there a fixed rule?   
That is entirely up to you. When you create a subject on Tueetor, be very specific on where you want the lesson to take place: only at a particular location, within a fixed distance from that location, or anywhere. By rule of thumb, the more flexible you are, the easier it would be to get the student or tutor of your choice.
Why is Tueetor™ not showing my current location on some mobile devices and operating systems?   
Be sure to turn on location access on your smartphone and smart devices before using Tueetor™. Depending on the mobile operating system, it's generally found under Settings > Location, Location services or Location reporting. Mac OS for example, also requires you to "Enable Location Services", found under System Preferences > Security and Privacy > Privacy.
I'm a tutor. If I would not be available for the next few weeks to accept any more assignment, do I remove all my subject offers?   
The easier way would be: go to the subjects and un-click the "Active" box. That way, the subjects will be hidden from public view.
How secure is my personal information with you?   
All information submitted are stored online and protected by industrial strength encryption technology, to ensure that only the intended parties have access to them.
Is it safe to enter my credit card details?   
Tueetor uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology to encrypt all information. Your credit card is processed by Stripe, the company managing all credit card transactions for Tueetor. If you have any questions regarding charges to your credit card, please contact us.
What should I do if I cannot sign in to my account or have lost my username and password?   
For security reasons, no staff member of Tueetor is able to "manually create" a password for you. If you cannot remember yours, please reset it using the "Forgotten Password" option. If you are unable to recall your username, please email us at admin@tueetor.com.